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The Transformational Leader

Oct 29, 2018

For transformative leadership to happen, you need to set impossible goals. But what are impossible goals really? How do you gauge if you’re setting an impossible goal or just a stretched one? The latter will require that you do something a little uncomfortable but still within the realm of predictability. In other...

Oct 22, 2018

If you want to create the impossible and become an inspiring leader, you have to do more than just confront your own fears—you have to work with the fear of others as well. So how exactly do you turn fears into possibilities? How do you receive fear from others and how do you help them transmute it? What are some of...

Oct 15, 2018

Many brilliant people share one common fear—the fear of being wrong. If you are one of the smartest people in the room, it is highly likely this is something you can attest to. Understandably, in an effort to avoid being wrong, you adopt and use certain strategies. Unfortunately, these strategies can often...

Oct 8, 2018

In this episode, I’ll tackle an interesting topic leaders face at one point or another. We’ll explore how sex and leadership play out and interact and how a leader should deal with both effectively and accordingly. Truly, this is one thought-provoking episode so I hope you won’t miss it!

Oct 1, 2018

While people sometimes mistake one for the other, there is a huge distinction between management and leadership. In the former, there’s no emphasis placed on inspiration, no thinking outside the box, no other motivation besides doing what needs to be done to keep getting paid.

On the other hand, leadership that...