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The Transformational Leader

Feb 26, 2020

On this week’s mid-week episode, tune in as Adam coaches Amanda Hummingbird live, around her fear of being coached live and people seeing her as an inexperienced coach who has only one client, thus not wanting to work with her as a result.

Feb 24, 2020

While trust is an integral part of powerful leaderships, many leaders (including the smartest people in the room) tend to get it wrong. In fact, many leaders primarily trust only themselves. So what happens is they micromanage everything and find it really hard to delegate. The result? They end up exhausted, burdened,...

Feb 19, 2020

On this week’s mid-week episode, tune in as Adam coaches Karen Baker live, around bringing the fire without bringing down the universe bringing more habit, structure, and rigor into the pants free lifestyle.

Feb 17, 2020

Many leaders tend to avoid being impacted by others because of a variety of reasons. For instance, they get the impression that if they allow others to impact them, it makes them vulnerable. However, it is important to keep in mind that you will never be able to encourage people to also be vulnerable to your impact...

Feb 12, 2020

On this week’s mid-week episode, tune in as Adam coaches Toku McCree live, around creating an empowering project. Ideally one that will give the experience of doing JUST THE RIGHT amount of work, no more, no less.